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On the morning of June 19th, the HR department collaborated with an environmental monitoring unit to conduct routine environmental monitoring at B’Laofood Company Limited in 2024. The purpose was to assess and monitor environmental factors such as air quality, water quality, noise levels, and other factors that may affect the working environment and health of employees. This initiative aims to gradually improve and enhance the working conditions for employees at the company.

Monitoring of the office workspace area at B’Laofood Company Limited

Environmental monitoring at B'Laofood

At B'Laofood, safeguarding the workplace environment and ensuring the health and safety of our employees is a collective responsibility of the entire company community. We not only conduct regular environmental monitoring but also invest in state-of-the-art monitoring equipment to ensure that our work environment consistently meets stringent standards for air quality, water quality, and noise levels. The data and results obtained from these assessments not only help us comply with legal regulations but also provide a scientific basis for adjusting and improving our production activities more effectively.

Monitoring of the raw material intake area at B’Laofood Company Limited

Commitment to Employee Health

With a clean and safe working environment, B'Laofood is committed to creating a workspace that is not only efficient but also conducive to the health of every individual in the factory. We invest significantly in providing advanced personal protective equipment and in-depth training programs on occupational safety and environmental hygiene. This not only enhances labor productivity but also represents an investment in our most valuable resource: our people.

Benefits and Significance

Caring for the workplace environment and employee health is not only a legal obligation but also our mission in building a sustainable community. We believe that investing in environmental monitoring and safeguarding employee health not only brings immediate benefits but also forms the foundation for the company's sustainable development in the future.

Monitoring of the production area at B’Laofood Company Limited

B'Laofood is committed to maintaining and enhancing safety standards in the workplace environment, ensuring working conditions and the health of our employees. We aim to collaborate closely with all partners, suppliers, and customers to collectively build a safe, healthy, and sustainable working environment.