
HomeThe Department of Agriculture & Rural Development of Bao Lam District visits and works at B'LAOFOOD LLC

The Department of Agriculture & Rural Development of Bao Lam District visits and works at B'LAOFOOD LLC

On the morning of April 5, 2024, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Bao Lam district had a very important visit to B’LAOFOOD Company, with the presence of Mr. Nguyen Van Tung - Head of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Mr. Nguyen Quang Huy - Deputy Head of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Lam Dong province, and some leaders of other departments. The purpose of this meeting is to provide a deeper insight into the Company and to promote long-term cooperative relationships, aiming to restructure the agricultural economy of Lam Dong Province. We set a vision for sustainable development, to bring stable and sustainable benefits to farmers, while creating new and stable market opportunities for the province's agricultural products.

The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development visited B’LAOFOOD

As a representative of the company, Mr. Nguyen Hoang Minh - Chairman of the Board of Members of B’LAOFOOD Company Limited, exuded immense joy and profound gratitude for the presence of the leaders from the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Bao Lam district as they visited the B’LAOFOOD production plant. He shared that: This visit and meeting are not only formal occasions but also valuable opportunities to share and create positive interactive connections between the two parties, fostering new inspirations and anticipating promising cooperation in the future. He further added that our parent company, An Giang Vegetable and Foodstuff Joint Stock Company (ANTESCO), Currently, the company is the largest exporter of agricultural products in Vietnam, achieving the highest production volume and revenue, thus B’LAOFOOD inherits a portfolio of international customers and builds a high-quality business team. This enables us to confidently approach international markets without encountering any difficulties.

Mr. Nguyen Hoang Minh - Chairman of the Board of Members of B’LAOFOOD LLC

Following the conference reporting on the development of avocado trees and the consumption of avocado products in Lam Dong province on April 4, 2024, chaired by Mr. Hoang Sy Bich - Director of the Department of Agriculture, Mr. Nguyen Hoang Minh continued to present some opportunities and potential of avocado products. Currently, our company has attracted the interest of many customers worldwide; they have tested and highly evaluated our products and are willing to place orders at any time. Furthermore, the great news is that we not only export to the Chinese market but also expand to international markets such as South Korea, Japan, and France. On the other hand, witnessing a significant decline in the agricultural market in South America, one of the world's largest fruit export markets, this is also seen as an opportunity for Vietnam's fruit export industry to rise and be highly regarded in the international agricultural sector.

For Durian, currently, B’LAOFOOD has consumed nearly 1000 hectares of products and has partnered with 13 Durian farms across the province. With the use of modern packaging facilities, we will continue to expand production and marketing activities, especially with our Passion Fruit product, to bring even more value to the market and customers. Planned development over the next 3 years, B’LAOFOOD intends to expand its factory for Phase 2 and start producing a range of new products. He also hopes for cooperation from the District Party Committee and the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Bao Lam district to collaborate with the enterprise and connect with local farmers, thereby promoting the restructuring process of the agricultural sector in the locality.

Mr. Nguyen Van Tung - Head of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, is also very pleased to respond to the company's aspirations. He commits to highly appreciate and be ready to support the company in purchasing, acting as an intermediary link between the enterprise and cooperatives, large-scale production areas, to help expand the model further.

Mr. Dinh Hung Dung of B'LAOFOOD LLC

Continuing the narrative, alongside the opportunities, there are also some challenges that we must face. In his role as a representative of B’LAOFOOD Company Limited, Mr. Dinh Hung Dung addressed some difficulties and risks related to the local Durian industry. He shared: "According to information from the media and press, we have learned that Durian is not only susceptible to attacks by harmful organisms but may also contain some heavy metals such as Cadmium. Additionally, the agreement signed between China and Vietnam has a term of only 3 years, with the decision on whether to renew the agreement scheduled for 2026. Therefore, one of the challenges we face is how to assert and protect the quality of our Vietnamese Durian products in both the regional and international markets.

Representative of the Department of Agriculture & Rural Development, Bao Lam District

Faced with this challenge, Mr. Nguyen Van Tung - Head of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Bao Lam district, proposed a specific solution. Accordingly, the Department of Agriculture will take on the role of disseminating information to local farmers and cooperatives on checking the quality of agricultural products to meet the residue standards required by the company before entering the factory. At the same time, the factory will conduct checks on harmful organisms to produce high-quality products that meet the requirements for export to international markets, ensuring the highest reputation for quality and standards.

Finally, B’LAOFOOD Company Limited invited the leadership teams to participate in a factory tour to directly experience and gain a better understanding of the company's state-of-the-art processing procedures.

Frozen storage at B'LAOFOOD LLC

Tracking the processing procedures at B'LAOFOOD LLC

At the end of the meeting, Mr. Nguyen Hoang Minh - Chairman of the Board of Members of B’LAOFOOD Company Limited, expressed his happiness and gratitude for the warm welcome extended to the leadership teams from the District Party Committee, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, and other enterprises. This collaboration not only helps address the challenges related to the agricultural sector in Lam Dong Province but also opens up new prospects and provides specific directions for the sustainable development of the local agricultural market in the coming years.